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Prioritize Paperless Control

Effective Shop Floor Control in the Paperless Factory


Gain a Performance Edge on the Shop Floor with Paperless Processes

Advanced SFC systems have the ability to paperlessly protect top manufacturing priorities while also providing in-the-moment visibility into shop floor productivity. This is a welcome innovation for manufacturers who struggle to balance production priorities with paperless communications in real-time—and for best-in-class manufacturers who leverage the technology to ensure efficiency on the shop floor.

In this educational whitepaper from Aberdeen, you’ll find research exploring how best-in-class manufacturers are solving real-time business efficiency and customer service challenges with a robust, paperless SFC solution. Download the Abderdeen Whitepaper to discover:

  • How to consistently keep true priorities on the shop floor.
  • Why best-in-class manufacturers demand real-time shop floor visibility.
  • The reasons why manual, paper-based approaches to SFC are no longer sufficient.
  • Research that demonstrates the benefits of paperless SFC systems.
  • How best-in-class manufacturers enact the proven efficiency benefits of paperless SFC.