Practical Tips to Help You Achieve Industry 4.0 Benefits

The Benefits of Industry 4.0 Are Within Reach


LNS Research & Aegis Software:  Discuss Strategies, Guidelines, and Technologies Required to Create a Smart, Digital Factory

As customers have more choices than ever before and competition is increasing globally, manufacturers need to adapt quickly to dramatically shorten time-to-market and maximize productivity, ultimately exceeding customer expectations. Executives are recognizing that primarily focusing on cost control is not in line with value creation in the long term. One of the biggest challenges facing executives today is determining the right digital infrastructure that aligns with their customer and growth strategies. The good news is that the Industry 4.0 journey doesn’t have to be overwhelming, and is achievable for manufacturing companies of all sizes, not just the large enterprises with large budgets and IT teams.   

Listen to this webinar recording to learn:

  • Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing, Digital Transformation; Industrial Internet of Things: making sense of it all.
  • Key trends & practices that manufacturers should be doing today to ensure the right digital infrastructure.
  • 5 key components essential to a manufacturing execution solution to achieve a “smarter” factory that drives real value & differentiation.